My next exhibition, ‘Wrack and Salvage’ will open at Belconnen Arts Centre at 6pm on Friday 10 February, and run until 26 March 2023. I started making this work during the ACT’s second COVID shutdown in 2021, with a sense of urgency and I am very glad to be bringing it into the world.
Wrack and Salvage provokes questions in the face of the climate crisis. What do we value? What do we stand to lose? What will we see destroyed? What are we willing to sacrifice? What are we prepared to save?
This sculptural installation resembles the flying forms of flood debris. They were made using only books and other documents that were already in my possession when I started making this work, a non-renewable resource of sorts.
Please join me for the opening, at 6pm on 10 February, alongside two other fantastic exhibitions by artists Paul Summerfield and Valerie Schönjahn, plus the open exhibition ‘Earth Unframed’.